the Roadmap to Restoration of Trust

  • The Roadmap.  ****DRAFT****
  • How will we restore trust in Medicine in the US? 
  • It’s going to take a long time but we must get started where we can with little projects that make meaningful progress, across the Physician/Provider, Payer, Producer (Pharma/Device/Technology) Domains
  • DRAFT (A few starting recommendations) :
    • Restore Manufacturing of Medicines Domestically
    • Reform Our Oversight Agency from Top to Bottom, Restoring their original missions
    • Address conflicts in the reimbursement of services from payers to providers, especially those detrimental to patient informed consent
    • Remove the “algorithm” approach to reimbursement and bonuses
    • Directly address conflicts of interest, perverse incentives & corruption across the industry
    • Create a culture of accountability for the purity and reliability of medicines
    • Involve the Citizens
    • Allow for a free-marketplace of health care designs, moving away from a “One-Size” is best approach